Natural Baby and Me was founded by Tracey Hill, a wife for over 40 years, mother of two and most importantly, “Nana” to four grand children.
Well respected industry professional with over 40 years’ experience in the beauty industry, holding various positions with top brand cosmetic and skin care companies. Tracey has always believed in good quality, ethical, organic skin care to support a healthy lifestyle. After all, what’s the point in eating well and being conscious of what you put in your body, if you’re not aware of what you put on your body?
With 60% of what we put on our skin being absorbed into our body, can we really afford not to read the ingredients on the back of our skin care products?
This question played on Tracey’s mind as she watched her daughter prepare for the arrival of her first grandchild. Tracey then set out to source organically sound and ethically responsible, products to introduce to her growing family.
After seeing the positive effect the products had on her family’s various skin ailments (from severe psoriasis to Mila) and not to mention her daughters growing bump. Tracey and husband Mike decided to bring the goodness of the Mediterranean to the UK Market. Providing responsibility sourced, beautiful products for every mum and baby.